Privacy policy

Last updated 3rd of Januari 2024


Your personal information is our main concern. We ask you nicely to please read our whole policy. Also make sure you trust this policy before using any of FLAR AB,org. nr. 559429-3523, Långströmsgatan 46A, 418 70 Göteborg, Sverige, and any other service provided by us registered as required by law, paying taxes and following all the directives that are required by us to follow. This privacy policy describes the rules and procedures of our registered company (FLAR AB, 559429-3523, SWEDEN;) on the collection, usage and disclosure of your personal information.

We collect and share data when you use any service, product, game, app, website, content, feature or page, owned and operated by our company. From here on we will use the word “service” to define what we are providing. We encourage you to read this policy. By accessing or using our service, you acknowledge and agree to the collection, usage and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this policy. If you do not consent to this policy, please do not access or use any service provided by FLAR AB. If any part of this policy would make you feel uncomfortable, remember that you are not obligated to engage or access any service that we are responsible for. We would like to hear you ask at regarding any type of questions you might encounter while reading this document. Changes to this policy are made by strictly following rules and regulations within the company and we will post the revised version of this policy or any other policies the company might have. When a change takes effect, you will be announced and given time to decide whether to use and/or access any of our services or not. Therefore, we suggest that you from time to time review this page and in case you do not agree with the changes, we strongly recommend not use our service anymore. When the new policy takes effect and you are still using our service, you are bound to the revised policy. You can withdraw your approval at any time. Some but not every service of FLAR AB will periodically remind you to review the policies. In case you run into trouble do not hesitate to send us an email for fastest and most efficient response at

You have the right to, and you should contact us and ask us to remove any information that is not necessary for us to keep stored, for a certain amount of time or any other reason, by law or any other regulatory authority. As the type of mandatory data that is needed, from which of our service functionality is depending on to work, from where and how it is collected, timestamps, device name and much more. Data that is needed to ensure the operation of our service towards you cannot be removed. In that case we will not be able to provide you our service and you will not be able to use our service.


Our service is not intended for minors to use without parental consent. If you are a minor (depending on what country you live in, usually ranges between the ages of 15 to 21) do not share personal information of any kind with us. We encourage parents to get involved in activities their children are involved in across the internet. This can be games they play, websites they visit and so on. Even though we have limited the types of advertisements that show in our service, this does not mean that you, as a parent, approve of the certain advertisement your child watches or might even click on and get redirected to a page that is out of our control.

If you have any reason to believe that we may have collected information by accident or for any other reason, you must contact us at or by phone. Our fully detailed contact information is stated at the end of this policy.


Some of the data we collect is used to give you the ability to use our service and send you tailored advertisements by matching your preferences from the data that is being collected from you. Our company would also be violating our company policies not notifying you about this matter and would have our service suspended or co-operation terminated in worst case scenarios.

Our service and company run services provided by Google Inc (US) (read their policies here: for advertising and monetizing. Such as AdMob, AdSense, Analytics, Signal and Google, not only are they allowed to gather data from our service, they are also allowing different, certified, ad networks to advertise on their behalf. A full list of the certified ad networks can be found at the this link: Google Ads certified external vendors googleads-vendors and here at Ad managers external vendors HYPERLINK “” googleads-vendors and even here at the YouTube certified external vendors

Any ads should not be interfering with your interaction with our service and shall not be luring you into thinking it is something else than an advertisement. Have also limited the type of advertisement and removed such that we find inappropriate for our service, such as online casino, alcohol, adult and such advertisements. We strongly suggest reading even their policies regarding your personal information so you can have a better understanding of what and how our third-party connection is using your personal information. We strive to provide safe data transfers to any third party we share your personal data with and expect them to also share this type of mentality.

Information we collect if a third party collector is not available to collect them are as follows.


It is also worth noting that if we remove some of these functions it will make it hard for us to compete with others that are advertising. The shared information shall not go against or override in any way the EU consent or CPRA (California privacy rights act). Make sure to engage and commit to reading about your privacy rights in a deeper meaning on what and how developers gather your personal information and where and which way it gets shared.

Information collected by us and/or others.

The information you provide us through forms of registration and other ways are solely your responsibility to be accurate. Purpose of the information for you can be to track your progress for a certain service you are using, save progress or to synchronize the activity across different platforms and/or devices. Also, your personal information can be stored solely for you to use again without having to fill in your credentials again. It is important to notice here that we will not be charged for any payment that you do not accept. We will, depending on what service you use, collect and process, not necessarily all at once, the following information about you.


The way your personal data is being collected and processed.

Your personal information is collected in the form of data and can in some cases be stored or achieved through third party connection. Storage and transmission of your personal information can be in code within files, files itself as they are, paper form, communication through phone calls, databases, cloud hosting, VPNs and so on. Third party companies are used for different types of benefits for our company and your information will end up at, depending on what service you use. We highly suggest, want and appreciate you contacting us ( in case of insecurity or just plainly needing a deeper meaning of any matter that we are referring to in this privacy policy. Personal information is already being collected within the first interactions made to our service. Sharing and accessing data is protected by encryptions, certificates and so on. Other ways of you sharing your personal information with us can be through face-to-face encounters or communication through phone or any other suitable application.

How we use your personal information

Our goal is to give you the best user experience when using our services so you can recommend it to others and enjoy the service. We must also protect our own company from misbehavior and false statements. We may store log files to prove consent and to make this document legally binding. Keep in mind that you can revoke your consent if something does not fit your needs and wishes. We will use your personal information as follows.

If we want to use your information for any other purpose, we will ask you for consent and will use your information only on receiving your consent and then, only for the purpose(s) for which grant consent unless we are required to do otherwise by law.

Sharing your personal information

Some information is mandatory for our service to work properly or to have a properly running service. It is impossible for us to ask you every time we want to send a bit of your data to others. You can opt-out the options about your consent when using our service if possible, if not than you can contact us and ask us to do it for you if possible. Being a registered company, it is required by law to pay taxes, fulfill our business obligations, manage risks and follow applicable laws in this matter. That is why you are given the chance to contact us at, state your preferences and get involved in the changes we make regarding your personal information. We will not transfer your personal information to any third party without seeking your consent except in limited circumstances as described below.

Our requirement towards others that we are collaborating or working with in any way is that they strictly handle your personal information according to the same way as it is described herein. Any third party should not use your personal information in any other matter than what you agreed upon. Also, not to retain your personal information for longer than it is required to fulfill the purpose of the transfer. We cannot guarantee that the actions of any third party in the future are legal and not going against any part of this policy. We do not take responsibility for any violation of rights made by any third party. We may even disclose your personal information for the following: (1) to comply with applicable law, regulation, court order or other legal process; (2) to enforce your agreements with us, including this policy; or (3) to respond to claims that your use of the service violates any third-party rights. If the service or our company is merged or acquired by another company, your information will be one of the assets that is transferred to the new owner. Thereby the new owner will be responsible for any actions taken towards your personal information and over this and all the other policies of the company. We require that the new owner or sub-owner handles the possession of your personal information as this policy describes, in other cases you should be contacted to give your consent again. This includes responsibility for keeping this and any other policies up to date and notifying customers about the changes that were made.

We comply to protect your rights, property and safety of you, others using our service, employees, partners, affiliates or other legitimate partners and/or customers. In case any law enforcement authority would want us to disclose your personal information, we will contact you unless we are prohibited from doing so by governmental entities or the law.

Cookies and other tracking technologies

What are cookies?

Cookies and similar technologies are very small text documents or pieces of code that often contain a unique identification code. When you visit a website or use a mobile application, a computer asks your computer or mobile device for permission to save this file on your computer or mobile device and gain access to information. Information collected through cookies and similar technologies may include the date and time of the visit and how you use a particular website or mobile application.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies make sure that during your visit to our online shop you remain logged in, all items remain stored in your shopping cart, you can shop safely and the website keeps running smoothly. The cookies also ensure that we can see how our service is used and how we can improve it. Furthermore, depending on your preferences our own cookies may be used to present you with targeted advertisements that match your personal interests.

What type of cookies do we use?

Some cookies are necessary for the service to function properly, and some are not. Some of the following actions can be performed by using these cookies. To store articles in a shopping cart for online purchases, save your preferences for our service, login credentials to our portal, security measures or any other legitimate reason. We need to check whether you are logged in. Our service, if it uses cookies, will give you the choice of being able to select what type of personal information you want to be saved and for which purpose. We also allow Google to use our cookies (incorporated by our service) for personalization purposes of the advertisements in case their service is not functioning or whatever other reason they might have.

How can I switch off or remove cookies?

You can choose to opt out of all but the necessary cookies. In the settings of the browser, you can change the settings to ensure that cookies will be blocked. Most browsers provide you with an explanation on how to do this in the so-called ‘help-function’. However, if you block the cookies, it is possible that you will not be able to enjoy all the technical features our service has to offer, and it may negatively affect your user experience.

Other personal information we obtain from you

We track and store IP-addresses in order to see where our visitors come from and protect ourselves in case of legal injustice towards our company. We use this data for analytics, statistics, research for the good of our company and to figure out where our audience needs us the most.

We store data you send to us through our contact form on our website. Personal information sent to us through postal service, we might scan and store on external storage disks.

Information that you send when using our contact form is stored on our website using a plugin. It is possible for us if we are experiencing issues with the plugin to give temporary access to third-party support in order so they can login to our site and troubleshoot their plugin. This can be sensitive for you because some personal information is stored by the plugin and if we allow someone to enter the system for troubleshooting that exact plugin this will give them access to see any information stored within. Our provider may also get temporary access to troubleshooting. Worth noting that our privacy policy makes no exceptions, everyone using or even accessing our service is obligated to read, understand and agree with our policy before moving any further.

For further reading on cookies check our fully detailed cookie policy.


Any payment you make to us will be stored and used in order to pay taxes, count the books and such. Third party payments have their own methods of using your personal information. We may also store bills and such on external harddrives or cloud systems owned by others. If you buy a product from us a folder will be created with the purpose of handling the information regarding you. When you terminate your membership or the usage of our service we will delete data regarding your personal information on the spot or if obligated to hold your information by law, we will hold it until time needs passes and when we are allowed to erase it, we will most certainly do so.

Security and safety

You must understand that systems connected to the internet are not 100% safe and can be exposed to different types of attacks, hacking, viruses, malware, etcetera. These types of illegal activities are beyond our control. It is important that you keep your personal information and not disclose its details to others. In case we are required to inform you about a breach in the systems your personal data is being stored on we will do so but only if we are legally obligated to do so or even legally permitted doing so. Our company will also share your personal information, if involved or being targeted from other sources, to prevent a crime being committed. We can also store your personal information for as long as it is needed for the authorities to take measures or as long as the authorities want us to store your personal information. Your personal information can also be used by authorities if they ask to do so. Third parties might be used to assist our service or deliver a final product to you. We might use third parties for: customer care, hosting services, marketing, advertising, development, maintenance, analytics, various tasks, orders, invoicing, payment, etcetera.

Our goal is to deliver total satisfaction to our customers. Whether it is a final product you are buying or using a service or anything else provided by our company. Our ambition is to supply by any means necessary, strictly by the books what we agreed upon. For this reason, we might involve a third party to fulfill our needs as well as your needs to ensure that our agreement follows what we decided.

Your rights

Our company is situated in Sweden and follows the law in Sweden and any other laws we are required to follow. We recommend that you get acquainted with the laws in Sweden and the laws in the country you are in when using our service. Any legal twist we might encounter will be settled in a court of law in Sweden. You also have the right to remove consent to use our service. You can also simply stop using our service if you do not comply with our policy or if there is something else bothering you with our service or this policy.

In some cases, can third party policies interfere or have additional rules, guidelines and ways of handling things. Therefore, it is important to carefully read, understand and acknowledge all the policies involved using our service. Even some functions can only be used through third parties. For instance, paying through third parties where payment is not at all being processed through us will not comply with our own refund requirements (we follow local and global law requirements regarding refunds) but have their own policy about it. For this reason, the third party should be contacted and if not being able to do so we can try helping you get in touch with the correct instances and try to retrieve correct contact information on your behalf if you wish for us to do so. You can also look up that information on your own if you wish. We are required by law to gather certain information about you in order to prove your identity. This is done to prevent fraud and other illegal activities.

Depending on the service provided by us, we are legally forced to have access to specific personal information so that we can provide the authorities with. For more information regarding our company or anything stated in this policy do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

We also have the right to deny any service provided by FLAR AB to you. For example, if you are partaking in illegal activities or running them by yourself or with others. Remember that we strictly follow the laws and regulations set for us and obey them and will report any suspicious activities to the right authorities. You have the right to request your personal information and we will give it to you free of charge, unless permitted by law to take a fee. You can also request to restrict or make changes to your personal information under certain conditions. As previously discussed, we can modify or delete any data that will not interfere with the functionality of our service if you wish to continue using our service. We do our best to reply to your inquiries.

We do our best to answer within 15 working days regarding any concern that you inquire about. Our company may also be affiliated with or in partnership with other companies that are not listed in this privacy policy. Again, do not hesitate to contact us regarding this matter. Your concerns are our top priority, and we do the best to help you and clear these up for you.

If you think that we have infringed or violated your privacy rights under applicable law or this privacy policy, please contact us. Give us the opportunity to work together and resolve your concerns.

This is what we are all about

Company name: FLAR AB

Registration or identification number: 559429-3523

Phone number: +46 31 48 48 38

Contact our team through email:

Visit our website at: or